Tag Archive | Ian Somerhalder

The ultimate Sexy Beast is…

So, I don’t understand…they do a poll/contest and then the winner of it gets a teeny tiny pic in the bottom left corner??  I didn’t vote (b/c I was sure my Robert would win!) but I agree with who eventually won — Ian Somerhalder.  He is one sexay mofo. Yum.

This week’s cover: The ultimate Sexy Beast is….

Vampire Diaries Ian Somerhalder: “Damon Is a Much Better Kisser Than Stefan!”

Okay ladies.  Where are we on Ian Somerhalder??  I didn’t start watching Lost until after he had been killed off…so, I didn’t really notice his smoking hotness until Vampire Diaries.  And notice him, I certainly have.  Hello Blue Eyes and sexy smirk. To borrow from Rachael Ray, YUM-O!

He’s got the gorgeous eyes, the JBF tousled hair, nice lips, even some biceps…could he be hotter than, dare I even voice this?, Robert Pattinson??  I think, if you look at him objectively, yes. He is, on paper, better looking. But, in a pretty way.  Like a Rob Lowe pretty.  Or a Chace Crawford pretty (but much less elfin than Chace, kwim?)  I like the pretty, I do.  But…I have to say…Rob wins.  He has the eyes, the hair, the lips (no biceps but I don’t care!) PLUS the accent (ppppuuurrrrrr) and the-rough-around-the-edges, anti-pretty thing he has going on. But, it is close AND Vampire Diaries is on every week…hhhmmmm…

**Note to Robert, shave the damn beard and we won’t even have to mention Ian/Vampire Diaries ever again…

via iVampire Diaries/i’ Ian Somerhalder: “Damon Is a Much Better Kisser Than Stefan!”.